The Tamil movie Nesippaya, starring Aditi Shankar and newcomer Akash Murali, is directed by Vishnuvardhan, known for Pawan Kalyan’s Panjaa. This romantic action thriller is now set to release in Telugu under the title Premistava.
The movie’s trailer, released today, starts with a love story between the main characters but quickly turns serious. After a breakup, the heroine moves abroad and faces a tough situation. Her ex-partner travels to see her and uncovers the struggles she’s going through. The reasons behind their breakup and more will be revealed in the full film.
The trailer also hints at Akash’s family life, suggesting there’s more to his character and relationships. It looks like the protagonist is dealing with both personal and external conflicts, adding more depth to the story.
Visually, the film looks great, with Cameron Eric Bryson’s cinematography giving it a stylish and polished feel. The vibrant shots match the movie’s sleek tone, while Yuvan Shankar Raja’s music adds to the experience.
Premistava, distributed by Mythri Movie Distributors LLP, will release in Telugu on January 30th.